Freedom in This Village: Twenty-Five Years of Black Gay Men’s Writing, 1979 to the Present
Freedom in This Village charts for the first time ever the innovative course of black gay male literature of the past 25 years. Starting in 1979 with the publication of James Baldwin’s final novel, “Just Above My Head,” then on to the radical writings of the 1980s, the breakthrough successes of the 1990s, and up to today’s new works, editor E. Lynn Harris collects 47 sensational stories, poems, novel excerpts, and essays.
Authors featured include Samuel R. Delany, Essex Hemphill, Melvin Dixon, Marlon Riggs, Assotto Saint, Larry Duplechan, Reginald Shepherd, Carl Phillips, Keith Boykin, Randall Kenan, Thomas Glave, James Earl Hardy, Darieck Scott, Gary Fisher, Bruce Morrow, John Keene, G. Winston James, Bil Wright, Robert Reid Pharr, Brian Keith Jackson, as well as an array of exciting new and established writers.